- Jun 30
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Our Youth Program, W.I.N.G.S. (Worth, Insight, Nurture, Goals, Spirit) is for our youth grades 6 – 12. W.I.N.G.S. meets two Sunday evenings per month from 5:30 – 7:30 pm during the school year, and is led by our Director of Faith Formation and assisted by other adults from our First Congregational family. As an open and affirming church our youth program is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing environment at all our events, which include:
Sunday School
W.I.N.G.S. Youth Group
Annual Super-Sloppy Olympics
Pottery in our own Pottery Studio
Bowling Nights
Movie Nights
Youth Sundays - where youth lead the service
Outreach and Community Service Projects
Lock - Ins
Mission Trips - Church wide and youth only
Retreats with the youth of the UCC Florida Council
Confirmation for 7 & 8th Graders
O.W.L. Our Whole Lives - Middle School & High School
Confirmed youth can join serve on church boards and comittees
Fundraisers - lunches, car parks, bake sales, raffles, etc.
Youth Choir
Graduation Recognition
Leadership Roles and Community Service
Looking for more information or want to help Grow The Ministry? To volunteer, donate, help with events or participate contact Kerry Weisner, Director of Faith Formation at sunshineday365@aol.com or 407-647-2416.
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